online live classroom

online live classroom
Mslive Smart School Management is a web conferencing system designed for online learning.

Features that teachers will enjoy
Looking for a professional solution for teaching remote students online? mslive smart school provides real-time sharing of audio, video, slides, chat, and screen. Students are engaged through sharing of emoji icons, polling, and breakout rooms..
Deep LMS integration
Synchronous learning tools should feel like part of your management system (LMS). Instructure, Schoology, Jenzabar, and D2L all ship their LMS with a native integration for Mslive Smart School Management. Moodle and Sakai have plugins for deep integration. And Mslive Smart School Management is learning tools interoperability (LTI) 1.0 compliant for widest adoption.

ToolsTailor-Made For Teachers

Mslive Smart School enables you to share your audio, slides, chat, video, and desktop with students. Built-in polling makes it easy to engage students and recording your lectures means that you can make them available for later review.


One Consistent Enterprise Experience.

Online Meetings, Training & Technical Support.
Marketing Events & Town Hall Meetings
Conference Rooms
Build Collaboration-Enabled Conference Rooms.
Phone System
The next generation enterprise phone system
Cross-Platform Messaging & File Sharing.
Why Choose Mslive Smart School Management
Our instructors love Mslive Smart School Management. With our previous web-conferencing solution our users encountered many technical and usability problems that caused a lot of support effort on our part. With Mslive Smart School Management, the support issues are almost non-existent. We are constantly impressed with the level of quality in this open source project and it works without any prior knowledge.

Director of Computer Networking Programs and Program Developer, Distance Learning Department, Iowa Central Community College
Developer Friendly
Want a system that gives you the ability to customize right to the code? That’s us.
Open Source
Mslive Smart School Management backed by a world-wide community of developers (and commercial companies) that care about making the best web conferencing system for online learnin
Mslive Smart School Management's simple application programming interface (API) makes it easy to integrate with your own products.
Check out our list of existing integrations with third-party applications.


Lets Get In Touch

12/9 Horizona Eden Park,
New Avadi Road,Kilpauk,Chennai - 600010

+91 73057 12345
+91 90251 90003


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